Stake / Multi-stake your NFTs
If you stake your ArtZero NFT you will be able to benefit from a trade discount rate, plus share from marketplace trade fee, plus share from a validator node.
Trade discount rate: (In Smartnet Demo trade fee is 5%)
Stake 1 NFT, get 30% off trade fee, trade fee now is 3.5%
Stake 5 NFT, get 50% off trade fee, trade fee now is 2.5%
Stake 7 NFT, get 66% off trade fee, trade fee now is 1.7%
Stake 9 NFT, get 80% off trade fee, trade fee now is 1%
Stake 20 NFT, get 90% off trade fee, trade fee now is 0.5%
Share from marketplace trade fee and share from validator node is not on Smartnet Demo now but will be automatically updated in Testnet Demo and Mainnet, where you can be able to know your extra income for staking.
In order to stake your ArtZero NFT, go to My Account then any tabs General / My NFTs / My Stakes can lead you to stake. Click Stake on the NFT you want to.
Confirmation process will appear. You will now need to confirm this action with your wallet. Then, you can see the change in Discount rate (here from 5% down to 3.5% for staking 1 NFT)
If you want to carry out staking for multi PMP NFTs, tick all the PMP NFTs you want to stake, hit Stake Tokens: #… and complete your wallet process.
Last updated