Adding an NFT to a Collection in Simple Mode
With Simple Mode collection, you can add new NFTs whenever the NFTs are ready.
Navigate to the collection at My Account \ My collections
A list of collections that you have created will appear. Navigate to the collection that you want to add an NFT to. You can just click to the Create NFT button on the Featured Image of the Collection:
Or you can navigate to the Collection:
Navigate to click Add New NFT
You will need to add all information of the NFT, including uploading an image which cannot be bigger than 5MB.
You can Add Properties or Add Levels to your NFT.
Properties are Textual trails that show up as rectangles, while Levels are Numerical traits that show as a progress bar.
You can add as many Properties or Levels as you want, also delete Properties and Levels.
Finish the process by clicking Create NFT
Confirmation process will appear. You will now need to confirm this action with your wallet.
You have successfully created an NFT to the collection.
You now can navigate the NFT in My Account \ My Collections, navigate to the Collection detail and go to Unlisted since the NFT is not listed for sale yet.
Or, the other way, you can navigate the NFT by going to My Account \ My NFTs \ My Collected
Last updated