Accepting an offer of an NFT

If you are the owner of the NFT and you have listed it for sale, there are offers to your NFT as well, you can choose to accept an offer which is less than your listed price.

First, you need to navigate to the NFT. This can be done by by clicking to My Account \ My NFTs \ My Listed, and navigate to the NFT you want to accept the offer:

Click on Offers tab, then click Accept bid on the offer you want:

Confirmation process will appear. You will now need to confirm this action with your wallet. Your wallet will be added with the offered amount after deducting ArtZero trade fee & royalty fee (if you are not the creator of the collection that this NFT belongs to).

You can no longer view this NFT in My Account \ My NFTs.

Other unsuccessful bidders who have made offers must go and claim their unsuccessful bids in My Account. See how to do that here.

Last updated