Read before you create a project

In this session, we will be overviewing everything you need to know before you create a project, to make sure you understand how ArtZero platform works in order choose the right option, and plan well for your project.

There are 3 options to launch a collection/ project in ArtZero:

  • Option 1: Creating a collection in Simple Mode in the Marketplace: designed for non-tech people. NFT Creators can enter all information in the website and the collection will be created on-chain using our standard NFT smart contract.

    In this option, Creators will have to create NFTs one by one manually, then list one by one with a price manually too. This option is suitable when you do not have many NFTs in your collection, otherwise tasks will be enormous.

    Creation fee: 75 Azero

  • Option 2: Creating a collection in Advanced mode in the Marketplace: designed for those who wants to use customized NFT smart contract for example dedicated 5k or 10k collections with whitelisted options ... etc.

    Normally, this option is for Creators who launch their collections somewhere else (for example Creators have their own launchpad or landing page for everyone to mint the NFTs), then use ArtZero as a secondary market for collectors to trade their NFTs.

    Creation fee: 150 Azero

  • Option 3: Creating a project in ArtZero Launchpad (which also automatically creating an Advanced Mode collection): allows Creators to launch a big collection for users to mint the NFTs, then go the Marketplace to trade their NFTs. This is the most popular option to launch a project, also easy to use for even non-tech Creators.

    Creation fee: 450 Azero (including 150 Azero of Advanced mode creation fee)

If you want to create a collection in the Marketplace, visit here.

If you want to create a project in the Launchpad, please keep on reading.

Understanding a project in the Launchpad: There are some tips you need to know when creating a project in ArtZero Launchpad.

  • The project creation fee: when creating a project in the Launchpad, you create a project in the primary market where collectors can mint NFT. It will automatically create a collection in the Marketplace, in other word, secondary market where collectors can trade the minted NFTs later. Thus, project creation fee (option 3) includes Launchpad project creation fee & Marketplace collection creation fee (option 1/2). This option 3 of launching a project is more costly than creating a collection in the Marketplace.

  • Phases in the project: You can create as many phases as you want in a project. Each phase is can be set in:

    • Whitelist mint: meaning you can add whitelist addresses to mint a number of NFTs for free or at a different prices. Only the owners of these addresses can mint. The number of whitelisted NFTs must be controlled by yourself in order not to overpass the total NFTs of the project.

    • Whitelist mint + Public mint: if you want to set the phase for public mint with a price, you can choose to do so, but at the same time you can add whitelisted addresses to mint for free or at a different price from public mint price. You will need to set the maximum NFTs for public (public only, not whitelist) to mint for each phase, when it reaches this maximum, the phase will be closed for public mint. You will control the whitelisted NFTs so total public & whitelisted NFTs of all phases will not overpass the total NFTs of the project.

  • Durations in a project: there are 2 types of durations that you need to set in a project:

    • Overall duration of a project: is the overall active time of the project. You should consider leaving this duration a little longer so you can be more flexible in adding more phases, do owner mint,... This duration must cover all phases. A project once starts, its overall duration CANNOT be changed.

    • Duration of a phase: must be within project duration, and cannot overlap each other. You can add as many phases as you want, you also can add more phases later, as long as project duration has not ended. Remember that once a phase starts, you cannot edit that phase (duration, number of NFTs, price) but you can still add whitelist addresses.

  • Number of NFTs:

    • Supply: is the total number of NFTs in a project. Artworks and metadata of the project must match this supply.

    • Number of NFTs for public mint in a phase: must be set when you create a phase. This number cannot be changed once the phase starts. In case this number is not minted out, the rest cannot be moved to other phases. Creators can owner mint them for free when this phase ends to list them later in the Marketplace.

    • Number of NFTs for whitelist mint: is the the reduction of total NFTs for public mint of all phases from the supply. Creators control this number himself and choose to allocate this number in the phases he wants. Whitelist can be added to phases that have not ended.

    • Total number of public mint & whitelist mint cannot overcome total supply.

  • Owner mint: If you do not sell out all NFTs in a phase, or if whitelist owners do not mint their whitelisted NFTs in a phase, when the phase ends, you can owner mint for free. These NFTs can be for listing with a price later in the Marketplace, or transfer NFTs later. Remember to set the overall duration of a project long enough so you have enough time to owner mint all the rest unsold / unminted NFTs.

  • Add whitelist: this function is suitable if you:

    • do airdrops to your community, or

    • early sale where users have paid for the NFT but not minted yet, or

    • bulk sale where you give discounts

    then you can add addresses to whitelist of a phase, only owners of the addresses can mint at the price or for free, for the number of NFTs that you have set. Each addresses can come with different price & amount. Whitelist cannot be added once a phase has ended.

  • Update a phase: only can be done if the phase has not started. You can update: name, duration, set whitelist or whitelist+public for the phase, add more phases, price, number of NFTs for public mint, max number of NFTs that one can mint in 1 mint.

  • Update a project: you can update general information of a project, except for Loyalty Fee. Once the project has started, you cannot update its duration or its total supply.

  • Loyalty fee: is the license fee that Creator can collect on every sale of the NFTs in the future.

    You can choose to get Royalty Fee from your Collection or not. A maximum 5% Royalty fee can be set. Loyalty once set cannot be edited.

  • Update art location: you must prepare the ipfs link to update in this art location before you create a project. Also, you will need to share with us all artworks & metadata files, so we can cache all artworks. Without caching, the artworks will not be fetched. This sharing is also required for an authentication check to make sure the collection is unique in crypto space.

  • Grant admin role: you can grant admin role to other addresses. An admin can:

    • edit the project information

    • update phases

    • add whitelist

  • Withdraw balance: all sale revenue after deducting ArtZero mint fee will be added in this balance and only the owner of the project can do this action.

Last updated