Listing an NFT for sale

If you are the owner of the NFT and you have not listed it for sale, you can do so.

First, you need to navigate to the NFT. This can be done by by clicking to My Account \ My NFTs \ My Collected, and navigate to the NFT you want to edit:

In the price box, insert the number you want to list for sale. You can notice that Royalty Fee, Trade fee, and the amount you will receive will change according to your price.

Royalty fee is license fee you will pay to the Creator of the Collection which this NFT belongs to. If you are also the Creator of the Collection, you will get this Royalty fee.

Trade fee is the amount you will pay to ArtZero. This trade fee is expected to be up to 5% and can be reduced to the lowest 0.5% if you own and stake ArtZero native NFTs called Praying Mantis Predators (PMP). See more about how to do this here.

Amount you will receive is the sale you will get after deducting with Royalty fee & Trade fee.

Then, click on Push for Sale. Confirmation process will appear. You will now need to confirm this action with your wallet.

You have successfully listed an NFT for sale.

Now you can navigate the listed NFT at My Account \ My NFTs \ My Listed.

Last updated