Making an offer on an NFT
You can begin the process exploring NFTs in tab Marketplace:
Navigate to the Collection that has the NFT you want to buy:
Navigate to the NFT you want to make an offer. Insert a number you want to bid, then click on Place Bid:
Confirmation process will appear. You will now need to confirm this action with your wallet. Your wallet will be deducted with the offered amount that you have made plus a small gas fee.
Then, you can see your offer in tab Offers:
You can also view all NFTs that you have made the offers in My Account \ My NFTs \ My bids:
If the owner of the NFT accepts your offer, the NFT will belong to you and it will be automatically moved to My Collected tab. You can then sell at a fixed price, see offers if any and sell at an offer, or just simply keep it not for sale.
Otherwise, the offer remains there until it is sold to another buyer. Once sold to another buyer, your bidded amount will be unsucessful and you will need to claim it in My Account.
Last updated